Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New ultra-fast light beam Wi-Fi

Researchers at Oxford University have developed a new technology that delivers ultra-high-speed Wi-Fi (224 Gbps) via light beams. In the future, “Li-Fi” could allow Internet users to download a 1.5Gb movie in the blink of an eye.
The true enormity of this step change in Wi-Fi download speed becomes apparent when one considers that current high speed fibre optic cables deliver 1Gbps.  Moreover, in the USA, access to 1Gbps is only offered by a small number of providers in a few locations.  It is estimated that, ultimately, Li-Fi technology could offer up to 3 Terabits per second.
There are inherent problems with using light as a data transfer medium. Cables “contain” the light, using internal reflection to guide the beam along its way.  Containing the beam in the air is another matter altogether. To address the issue, the Oxford boffins have fitted both transmitter and receiver with holographic beam steering technology and then created programmable diffraction using an array of liquid crystals. And rather than using visible light, the researchers have used infrared light at 1550nm, so invisible to the naked eye. Clever stuff indeed.
The technology is limited in its application, since light cannot pass through opaque objects.  Therefore both transmitter and receiver need an uninterrupted direct line of sight. In addition, download speed diminishes as the receiver’s field of view narrows. Despite these limitations, the researchers assert it is only a matter of time before a tracker system is developed which will potentially allow a laptop to connect from a random spot on a table. 
The research is part of a broader ambition to develop light-based wireless communications which use the light which already illuminates a room.

1. Tech Times:  'Oxford Researchers Achieve 224Gbps Connection Using Light: Li-Fi Will Let You Download 1.5GB Movie in a blink.

2. The Telegraph:Researchers develop 100Gps light based wireless network.

Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) - The bright future of 5G visible light communication systems

Picture this-you wake up and tap your smartphone to switch on your coffee machine. As you make breakfast, your refrigerator sends you a text that you’re out of orange juice. Clued in with this message, your car’s GPS routes you to the grocery shop on your way back from work, as you use your phone to switch on your home heating system, so things are toasty warm when you get back. At the forefront of this connectivity phenomenon popularly known as the 'Internet of Things', is an optical communication technology that’s taking the world by storm. Light Fidelity or Li-Fi, is an exciting breakthrough in 5G visual light communication systems and the future of wireless Internet access.
With Li-Fi, information hitches a ride along a spectrum of visible light. Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, transmit data when they are switched on and off so rapidly in nanoseconds, that the human eye cannot see it. This data is registered by special equipment, making it possible to provide wireless Internet connectivity at a current experimental speed up to 10 Gbps, which is estimated to be 250 times faster than 'superfast' broadband. The vast availability of LED light bulbs will drive the future ubiquity of connectivity even in places where Wi-Fi fails-on an airplane and in submarines, for example.
Another advantage of Li-Fi is zero electromagnetic interference, allowing connectivity even in areas where Wi-Fi isn’t accepted - hospitals and nuclear plants among others. In addition, Li-Fi offers better data defense as light waves can’t pass through walls, making it impossible to hack any internal systems in high-security buildings.
As radio waves used by Wi-Fi get more congested and the demand for faster and more efficient wireless communication escalates, the future is bright for Li-Fi as a reliable, affordable and more secure solution.
Harold Haas from the University of Edinburgh, who first demonstrated Li-Fi to the world, envisioned turning light bulbs into super-speed broadband wireless Internet systems. As Li-Fi becomes more commercialized, it will usher in an era of incredible business opportunities, such as allowing telecom service providers to reach out to a wider customer base. We can look forward to broader accessibility with Li-Fi Cloud. Smartphones will soon be able to download traffic information from traffic lights or a program guide from a television. This is the tip of the iceberg. In the future, shops will transmit advertisements to your phone as you pass by and bus schedule changes will be transmitted to a screen at the stop. Smarter home appliances that talk machine-to-machine (M2M) are already being extensively researched, where LED lights on electronics function as Li-Fi access points. In fact, the Li-Fi industry is set to become a $6 billion industry by 2018.How else do you think that Li-Fi will revolutionize the way we connect with man and machines?

Network E-Learning in Hindi

Students can access hundreds of practical lab activities and video based lectures from extremely qualified instructors in CCNA V2.0 (ICND 1 and ICND 2), RHCSA 1, RHCSA 2, MCiTP, PHP and many more. We are currently recording videos in CCNP, VoIP, CCNA Security, Various web certifications, and of course suggestions are always welcome. We want to make sure that Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi students can establish a strong foundation in Information Technology.

Urdu IT Academy


Mr Kashif (Founder)
Cisco/Microsoft Trainer

Being a founder and instructor of Urdu IT academy Kashif is busy setting up the vision of Urdu IT academy and expanding the certification video education library Kashif has been involved in training and consulting for over 10 years, covering technology in Microsoft, HP, Cisco and Information security. Kashif has achieved his first certification soon after completing his college and got a place on rostrum in 10th grade to start teaching (Thanks to his uncle). He has acquired a lot of certification which he feels are not enough that includes MCP, MCSE, MCSE+I, CCNA, CCDA, CCDP, CCNP, CCSP, ITIL, JNCIA, JNCIS, SCP, Network audits, security certification and finally CISSP, He has recently qualified for CEH Kashif has two Sons, so spare time is taken up as a homework monitor. Kashif's other interest, out of computer research is to play lots of computer games and Xbox with kids and play badminton when eager to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Install NS2 (ns-allinone-2.35) on Ubuntu 11.04 for beginners

Part I: Introduction
This installation guide is on Linux Ubuntu 11.04 (download from here), and  uses ns-allinone-2.35 source file for NS2. I assume that you have the skill to install Ubuntu, so I skip this process, and focus on the installation of NS2 (step-by-step with commands).
Part II: Installation
[Step 1]
Before install NS2, you have to install some essential softwares:
sudo apt-get install tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake 
sudo apt-get install perl xgraph libxt-dev libx11-dev libxmu-dev
[Step 2]
Download NS2 source file  from from here.
Then you will get a file named “ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz
[Step 3]
Unpack ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz to your home directory. (/home/stan is my home directory, you SHOULD change it to your own!)
tar -zxvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz -C /home/stan
[Step 4]
4.1) Modify the makefile (NOTICE: I use “vi” for an editor, you can use “gedit” instead)
vi /home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/otcl-1.14/
4.2) Change CC = @CC@ to CC = @CC@ -V 4.5
(For changing this because the gcc complier in Ubuntu 11.04 is version 4.5, however NS2 only supports gcc-4.3 below. NOTICE the V is capital.)
[Step 5]
Install NS2:
cd /home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35
sudo ./install
[Step 6]
6.1) Modify  .bahrc
vi /home/stan/.bashrc
6.2) Go to the last line and add the scripts below:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/bin:/home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/tcl8.5.10/unix:/home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/tk8.5.10/unix
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/otcl-1.14:/home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/lib
export TCL_LIBRARY=$TCL_LIBRARY:/home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/tcl8.5.10/library 
6.3) Enable the path setting:
cd /home/stan
source .bashrc
# Part III: Verifying
which ns
If it shows /home/stan/ns-allinone-2.35/bin/ns,  it works!

Introduction to the Windows Command Prompt

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Using the Command Prompt or Dos Window
  3. Useful commands
  4. Redirectors
  5. Batch Files
  6. Console Programs
  7. Conclusion
Before Windows was created, the most common operating system that ran on IBM PC compatibles was DOS. DOS stands for Disk Operating System and was what you would use if you had started your computer much like you do today with Windows. The difference was that DOS was not a graphical operating system but rather purely textual. That meant in order to run programs or manipulate the operating system you had to manually type in commands. When Windows was first created it was actually a graphical user interface that was created in order to make using the DOS operating system easier for a novice user. As time went on and newer versions of Windows were developed DOS was finally phased out with Windows ME. Though the newer operating systems do not run on DOS, they do have something called the command prompt, which has a similar appearance to DOS. In this tutorial we will cover the basic commands and usage of the command prompt so that you feel comfortable in using this resource.

Using the Command Prompt or Dos Window
When people refer to the command prompt they may we refer to it in different ways. They may refer to it as a shell, console window, a command prompt, a cmd prompt, or even dos. In order to enter the command prompt you need to run a program that is dependent on your operating system. Below we list the programs that you need to run to enter a command prompt based on the version of Windows you are running.
Operating System
Windows 3.1,.3.11, 95, 98, MEcommand.comThis program when run will open up a command prompt window providing a DOS shell.
Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003cmd.exeThis program will provide the native command prompt. What we call the command prompt.
Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003command.comThis program will open up a emulated DOS shell for backwards compatibility. Only use if you must.
To run these programs and start a command prompt you would do the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the Start Menu
Step 2: Click on the Run option
Step 3: Type the appropriate command in the Open: field. For example if we are using Windows XP we would type cmd.exe.
Step 4: Click on the OK button
After following these steps you will be presented with a window that look similar to Figure 1 below.

Windows Command Prompt
Figure 1. Windows Command Prompt

The command prompt is simply a window that by default displays the current directory, or in windows term a folder, that you are in and has a blinking cursor ready for you to type your commands. For example in Figure 1 above you can see that it says C:\WINDOWS>. The C:\WINDOWS> is the prompt and it tells me that I am currently in the c:\windows directory. If I was in the directory c:\program files\directory the prompt would instead look like this: C:\PROGRAM FILES\DIRECTORY>.
To use the command prompt you would type in the commands and instructions you want and then press enter. In the next section we will discuss some useful commands and how to see all available built in commands for the command prompt.

Useful commands
The or cmd.exe programs have built in commands that are very useful. Below I have outlined some of the more important commands and further instruction on how to find information on all the available commands.
The Help command - This command will list all the commands built into the command prompt. If you would like further information about a particular command you can type help commandname. For example help cd will give you more detailed information on a command. For all commands you can also type the command name followed by a /? to see help on the command. For example, cd /?
The Exit command - This command will close the command prompt. Simply type exit and press enter and the command prompt will close.
The CD command - This command allows you to change your current directory or see what directory you are currently in. To use the CD command you would type cd directoryname and press enter. This would then change the directory you are currently in to the one specified. When using the cd command you must remember how paths work in Windows. A path to a file is always the root directory, which is symbolized by the \ symbol, followed by the directories underneath it. For example the file notepad.exe which is located in c:\windows\system32 would have a path as follows \windows\system32\notepad.exe. If you want to change to a directory that is currently in your current directory you do not need the full path, but can just type cd directoryname and press enter. For example if you are in a directory called c:\test, and there were three directories in that the test directory called A, B, and C, you could just type cd a and press enter. You would then be in the c:\test\a. If on the other hand you wanted to change your directory to the c:\windows\system32 directory, you would have to type cd \windows\system and press enter.
The DIR command - This command will list the files and directories contained in your current directory, if used without an argument, or the directory you specify as an argument. To use the command you would just type dir and press enter and you will see a listing of the current files in the directory you are in, including information about their file sizes, date and time they were last written to. The command will also show how much space the files in the directory are using and the total amount of free disk space available on the current hard drive. If I typed dir \test I would see the contents of the c:\test directory as shown in Figure 2 below.

Dir Command
Figure 2. DIR of c:\test

If you examine the screen above you will see a listing of the directory. The first 2 columns are the date and time of the last write to that file. Followed by whether or not the particular entry is a directory or a file, then the size of the file, and finally the name of the file. You may have noticed that there are two directories named . and .., which have special meaning in operating systems. The . stands for the current directory and the .. stands for the previous directory in the path. In the example above, .. stands for c:\windows.
Also note for many commands you can use the * symbol which stands for wildcard. With this in mind, typing dir *.txt will only list those files that end with .txt.
The Copy command - This command allows you to copy files from one location to another. To use this command you would type
copy filetocopy copiedfile. For example if you have the file c:\test\test.txt and would like to copy it to c:\windows\test.txt you would type
copy c:\test\test.txt c:\windows\test.txt and press enter. If the copy is successful it will tell you so and give you back the prompt. If you are copying within the same directory you do not have to use the path. Here are some examples and what they would do:
copy test.txt test.bakCopies the test.txt file to a new file called test.bak in the same directory
copy test.txt \windowsCopies the test.txt file to the \windows directory.
copy * \windowsCopies all the files in the current directory to the \windows directory.
The Move command - This command allows you to move a file from one location to another. Examples are below:
move test.txt test.bakMoves the test.txt file to a new file renaming it to test.bak in the same directory.
move test.txt \windowsMoves the test.txt file to the \windows directory.
move * \windowsMoves all the files in the current directory to the \windows directory.
At this point you should use the help command to learn about the other available commands.

Redirectors are an important part to using the command prompt as they allow you to manipulate how the output or input of a program is displayed or used. Redirectors are used by appending them to the end of a command followed by what you are redirecting to. For example: dir > dir.txt. There are four redirectors that are used in a command prompt and they are discussed below:
>This redirector will take the output of a program and store it in a file. If the file exists, it will be overwritten. If it does not exist it will create a new file. For example the command dir > dir.txt will take the output of the dir command and place it in the dir.txt file. If dir.txt exists, it will overwrite it, otherwise it will create it.
>>This redirector will take the output of a program and store it in a file. If the file exists, the data will be appended to the current data in the file rather than overwriting it. If it does not exist it will create a new file. For example the command dir >> dir.txt will take the output of the dir command and appends it to the existing data in the dir.txt file if the file exists. If dir.txt does not exist, it will create the file first.
<This redirector will take the input for a program from a specified file. For example the date command expects input from a user. So if we had the commanddate < date.txt, it would take the input for the date program from the information contained in the date.txt file.
|This redirector is called a pipe. It will take the output of a program and pipe it into another program. For example dir | sort would take the output of the dir command and use it as input to the sort command.

Batch Files
Batch files are files that have an extension ending in .bat. They are simply scripts that contain command prompt commands that will be executed in the order they are listed. To create a batch file, just make a file that ends in .bat, such as test.bat, and inside the file have the commands you would like. Each command should be on its own line and in the order you would like them to execute.
Below is example batch file. It has no real use but will give you an example of how a batch files works. This test batch file contains the following lines of text:
cd \test
cd \
If I was to run the test.bat file I created I would have output that looks like the following:

Batch File
Figure 3: Example of a batch file running.

As you can see from the figure above, my batch file executed each command in my batch file in the sequence they were written in the batch file.

Console Programs
If a program is created for express purpose of running within a command prompt, or console window, that program is called a console program. These are programs that are not graphical and can only be run properly from within a command prompt window.
Below is a list of sites that contain console programs that may be useful to you:
There are many more sites that have tools available. Just do a Google search on windows console programs.

The command prompt can be a very powerful and versatile tool for a computer user. Hopefully this brief introduction into the command prompt will enable you to use your computer more efficiently.

Why and what is a SAN?

Computing is based on data. Data is the underlying resource on which all computing processes are based; it is a company asset. Data is stored on storage media, and is accessed by applications executing on a server. Often the data is a unique company asset. You cannot buy your data on the market, but rather you must create and acquire it day by day. To ensure that business processes deliver the expected results, they must have access to the data. Management and protection of business data is vital for the availability of business processes. Management covers aspects such as configuration, performance, and protection, which ranges from what to do if media fails, to complete disaster recovery procedures. In the mainframe environments, the management of storage is centralized. Storage devices are connected to the host, and managed directly by the IT department where a system programmer (storage administrator) is completely dedicated to this task. It is relatively straightforward and easy to manage storage in this manner. The advent of client/server computing created a new set of problems, such as escalating management costs for the desktop, as well as new storage management problems. The information that was centralized in a mainframe environment is now dispersed across the network and is often poorly managed and controlled. Storage devices are dispersed and connected to individual machines; capacity increases must be planned machine by machine; storage acquired for one operating system platform often cannot be used on other platforms.